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Raretec Consulting does the hard work for you

If you’re like most employers, you probably depend upon resumes, references and interviews when making your hiring decisions. Unfortunately, these sources often prove inadequate for consistently selecting good employees.

Resumes can contain false claims of education and experience while omitting other relevant information. Business references are of little value because most past employers will tell you little more than “name, rank and serial number.” and promotion decisions. However, data shows only a coincidental correlation between the ability to deliver well in an interview and to deliver well on the job. Studies peg this correlation at 14% — one good employee in every seven hires.

Even background checks don’t help much. The success rate becomes 26%, but that’s only one good hire in every four. Clearly, an essential ingredient for making “people decisions” has been missing from the formula.

Now there is a better way. Employee assessments can provide you with the data you need to make human resource decisions with confidence. These information tools can help you to:

  • Put the right people into the right job
  • Provide employees with effective training
  • Help managers become more effective
  • Promote people into positions in which they’ll succeed
  • Use employee assessments and you can expect to realize benefits such as:
  • Extraordinary increases in productivity
  • Fewer employee relations problems
  • Less turnover
  • Lower human resource expenses

Contact Us Today!

1742 Indiana Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789
407-975 8715
407-766 3073

Your company’s most important asset is its people. And now human resource decisions don’t have to be a roll of the dice.

The result has been added importance placed on interviews, making them the most influential factor in hiring.